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Fic are listed in chronological order, and if there's no author listed on a podfic, it means that I wrote it. :)


what are you waiting for? (i can’t say no to you)

Fandom/Pairings: Bandom; Pete Wentz/Mikey Way
Rating: Salsa

“Hey,” Pete says, on an otherwise normal day, “we should go on a roadtrip.”

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no regrets, just love

Fandom/Pairings: The Social Network RPF; Andrew/Jesse
Rating: BBQ Sauce

In which Jesse is asexual but not unwilling to have sex, Andrew is well-meaning but has the wrong idea, and they watch Bambi for the 268097464th time before they have a Discussion about things.

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Here Now and Listening

Author: lucy_and_ramona
Fandom/Pairings: Youtube Slash; Alex Day/Ben Cook/Tom Milsom
Rating: Salsa

I wanna hear every word you say tonight.

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the spark in the night

Author: teh_slush
Fandom/Pairings: American Idiot; Johnny/Jimmy, mentioned Johnny/Whatsername
Rating: Salsa

…Self-indulgent pretentious Johnny/Jimmy porn? (takes place after Letterbomb)

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Sucker Punch Drabbles

Author: 1st_eggokage
Fandom/Pairings: Sucker Punch; Blondie/Amber, Rocket/Baby Doll
Rating: Ketchup

Two Suckerpunch Drabbles

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Alternate Universe

Daleks! at the Disco

Author: teh_slush
Fandom/Pairings: Bandom; Genfic
Rating: Ketchup

Pete Wentz fails at time travel (again), some Daleks fail at being Daleks.

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A Little Less Straight Line, A Little More Timey-Wimey

Author: teh_slush
Fandom/Pairings: Bandom; Genfic
Rating: Ketchup

The only logical explanation for Pete showing up in every Decaydance video ever is that he’s a Time Lord, okay.

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four dollar words

Fandom/Pairings: Bandom; Genfic
Rating: Salsa

You can’t write great lyrics without the help of the Dictionary. The question is whether she wants to give it to you or not.

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Sigils on Your Skin

Fandom/Pairings: Bandom; Lyn-Z/Gerard/Frank
Rating: BBQ Sauce

A podfic of the two inkporn stories in the “Gerard, the filthiest little princess” universe: magic spells and empty ink wells and midnight incantations.

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the one where sons of admirals are mermaids (and in love!)

Fandom/Pairings: Youtube Slash; SoA GSF
Rating: BBQ Sauce

The title is kind of self-explanatory? BASICALLY, ALEX IS IN LOVE WITH HIS BAND. (Also: that one fic Tom tweeted about sigh sigh.)

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get on your knees (if you want to reach the top)

Fandom/Pairings: Bandom; Gabe Saporta/William Beckett
Rating: Salsa

Prostitution? The world’s oldest profession. You sir? A professional. OR MAYBE NOT who is letting me summarize these things jesus christ.

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everything you ever thought of is everything I’ll do to you.

Fandom/Pairings: Bandom; William Beckett/Brendon Urie
Rating: Salsa

Brendon is everything Pete wasn’t, and William trusts him because of that. William takes care of him because of that.

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The Other Side

Fandom/Pairings: High School Musical; Chad/Ryan
Rating: BBQ Sauce

It was the second year of the zombie apocalypse, and Chad was starting to get the hang of killing zombies and taking names. That, of course, was before Ryan showed up.

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Things Have Changed (I Like Your New Face)

Author: teh_slush
Fandom/Pairings: Bandom; Genfic
Rating: Ketchup

Pete and Patrick go to a particularly violent concert featuring Pete’s ex, and Patrick learns about regeneration.

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electricity is easy I'm told

Fandom/Pairings: The Social Network; Mark/Eduardo
Rating: Salsa

It’s easier to access things without people noticing if they’re distracted. Sex is very distracting. Sometimes, Mark thinks it’s a lucky thing he’s very good at multitasking.

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Fandom/Pairings: High School Musical; Chad/Ryan
Rating: Salsa

Ryan was beginning to think Chad was far more devious than he previously believed.

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one way ticket to the bacchanal

Fandom/Pairings: The Social Network RPF; Andrew/Jesse
Rating: Salsa

Andrew takes a hit of his joint and then, suddenly, there’s a Jesse straddling him and sucking the smoke from his mouth.

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meant to be dirty

Fandom/Pairings: Bandom; William/Brendon/Mike
Rating: Salsa

Vampires. Bondage. Bloodplay. Stupid.

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kiss the sea

Fandom/Pairings: Kingdom Hearts/Atlantis; Demyx/Milo
Rating: BBQ Sauce

Stolen moments of rain, that’s what they were.

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Maybe You'll Dance

Fandom/Pairings: Kingdom Hearts/Atlantis; Demyx/Milo
Rating: BBQ Sauce

If he could dance, Demyx thought, then maybe it would all be okay.

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Not That Guy

Fandom/Pairings: High School Musical/Glee; Ryan/Kurt
Rating: Salsa

They fit together like puzzle pieces—though if they were supposed to originally is anyone’s guess.

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no one, no one, no one but you

Fandom/Pairings: Bandom; MyChem GSF
Rating: Salsa

Her boys are the best boys. (LXD au)

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Untitled Porn Snippet

Author: 1st_eggokage
Fandom/Pairings: Bandom; Brendon/Spencer
Rating: Salsa

Untitled porn snippet for Scotty because.

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Prettiest Girl in the Whole Wide World

Fandom/Pairings: Scott Pilgrim vs the World; Scott/Ramona
Rating: Salsa

There’s a high-pitched shriek from the bathroom, and Ramona groans. It is way too early in the morning to be dealing with Scott.

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positions I don’t regret

Fandom/Pairings: Merlin; Merlin/Arthur
Rating: Salsa

Merlin’s not so into sex, but he can do this for Arthur.

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unexpected and defeated

Fandom/Pairings: The Social Network; Mark/Eduardo
Rating: Salsa

Marcilynn Zuckerberg would prefer you call her Mark, can code circles around you, only shaves her legs when necessary, and doesn’t own any makeup unless chapstick counts. Eduardo Saverin loves her anyway, but sometimes it’s hard for Marcilynn to remember that.

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Everything Else is Child's Play

Fandom/Pairings: Bandom; Mikey/Gerard
Rating: Salsa

I love the powerglove, it’s so bad. Wait that’s not an actual summary. Uhhhhhhh … idk there are powergloves and Mikeyways.

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except for a few small bruises, cuts, and scars

Fandom/Pairings: Merlin; Merlin/Arthur
Rating: Salsa

He just bruises easily, sometimes bruises over bruises until his entire skin just feels tender and sore.

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to dress you gently

Fandom/Pairings: Merlin; Merlin/Arthur
Rating: BBQ Sauce

It isn’t Merlin’s fault that Arthur looks damn good in his armor. That’s Arthur’s fault—if anyone can be blamed for it at all—and Merlin will maintain that.

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