My Personal Podfic Recommendations

These are my favorite podfics I've done, sorted by fandom for your convenience.

High School Musical

The Other Side

Fandom/Pairings: High School Musical; Chad/Ryan
Rating: BBQ Sauce

It was the second year of the zombie apocalypse, and Chad was starting to get the hang of killing zombies and taking names. That, of course, was before Ryan showed up.

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The Social Network

electricity is easy I'm told

Fandom/Pairings: The Social Network; Mark/Eduardo
Rating: Salsa

It’s easier to access things without people noticing if they’re distracted. Sex is very distracting. Sometimes, Mark thinks it’s a lucky thing he’s very good at multitasking.

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kiss the sea

Fandom/Pairings: Kingdom Hearts/Atlantis; Demyx/Milo
Rating: BBQ Sauce

Stolen moments of rain, that’s what they were.

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Maybe You'll Dance

Fandom/Pairings: Kingdom Hearts/Atlantis; Demyx/Milo
Rating: BBQ Sauce

If he could dance, Demyx thought, then maybe it would all be okay.

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