foolish (im)mortals
A vid I made for my favorite murdergame of all time, Foolish Mortals.
I don't really vid a lot, because it's not really something I'm particularly good at, but I do enjoy making a vid from time to time! None of these have thumbnails, because I'm too lazy to make one for every vid, but if you click on a tile, it'll take you to the page for a vid where you can watch it!
A vid I made for my favorite murdergame of all time, Foolish Mortals.
HSM's favorite pasttime is humiliating Sharpay, so I supercut a bunch of clips together and set it to Simple Plan's Untitled because I think I'm funny.
Subtitle: (But Then They Were Siblings). Because Wizards of Waverly Place is a horrible show that ALMOST gave us everything we ever wanted. Almost.
Full title: "7 Things That Mark and Eduardo Hate". I don't remember making this at all.
Full title: "Mark and Eduardo Are Never Getting Back Together. Like Ever." Apparently I make extremely poor life choices when I'm sick.
A friend once dared me to make a Madoka vid set to Time After Time so I did it in like two days without bothering to download raws. This is the result.
I could probably say something else about this but like. Do you really need a summary beyond: SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTSSHOTSSHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTSSHOTSSHOTS.